12:00 AM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines (View)
12:05 AM - TFR: KL Engineering Office Expansion Ribbon Cutting 10-3-24 (View)
12:14 AM - TFR: BBB - Phony Car Rental Scams 9-26-24 (View)
12:30 AM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines (View)
12:35 AM - TFR: City Administrator Update 9-18-24 (View)
12:47 AM - TFR: Water Service Line Material Inventory 10-2-24 (View)
1:00 AM - Is the E-Bike for You? 6-8-23
2:30 AM - Fitchburg Police Department Award Ceremony 5-15-19
3:00 AM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines (View)
3:05 AM - TFR: What is Fire Prevention Week? 10-7-24 (View)
3:13 AM - TFR: Chamber Update 9-23-24 (View)
3:30 AM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines (View)
3:35 AM - TFR: National Falls Prevention Awareness Month 9-25-24 (View)
3:49 AM - TFR: Fitchburg Fire Department Open House Preview 10-8-24 (View)
4:00 AM - Senior Aerobics
5:13 AM - TFR: Fitchburg Fire Department Open House Preview 10-8-24 (View)
5:30 AM - Functional Fitness for Seniors 4-5-19
6:00 AM - Senior Fitness Center 8-2-18
7:00 AM - Guided Meditation: Loving Kindness and Body Scan with Becky Otte-Ford 2020-05-04
7:30 AM - Functional Fitness for Seniors 4-5-19
8:01 AM - Senior Fitness Center 8-2-18
9:01 AM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines (View)
9:06 AM - TFR: Who is the Fitchburg Fire Department? 10-10-24 (View)
9:18 AM - TFR: BBB - Phony Car Rental Scams 9-26-24 (View)
9:30 AM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines (View)
9:35 AM - TFR: Public Library Update 10-4-24 (View)
9:45 AM - TFR: Hy-Vee Dietitian - It's Tomato Time 9-20-24 (View)
10:00 AM - Learning Annex 2.0: Reading Your Medicare Statements
11:00 AM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines (View)
11:05 AM - TFR: Czar's Promise - Inspiring Hope Walk 10-4-24 (View)
11:15 AM - TFR: Fitchburg Fire Department Open House Preview 10-8-24 (View)
11:30 AM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines (View)
11:35 AM - TFR: Mayoral Proclamations 10-8-24 (View)
11:50 AM - TFR: The Rusty Bee Lounge Ribbon Cutting 9-26-24 (View)
12:00 PM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines (View)
12:05 PM - TFR: City Administrator Update 9-18-24 (View)
12:18 PM - TFR: Water Service Line Material Inventory 10-2-24 (View)
12:30 PM - Fitchburg Fire Rescue Station #3 Dedication and Uncoupling Ceremony 12-6-19 (View)
1:00 PM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines (View)
1:05 PM - TFR: What is Fire Prevention Week? 10-7-24 (View)
1:13 PM - TFR: Chamber Update 9-23-24 (View)
1:30 PM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines (View)
1:35 PM - TFR: National Falls Prevention Awareness Month 9-25-24 (View)
1:49 PM - TFR: Fitchburg Fire Department Open House Preview 10-8-24 (View)
2:00 PM - Safe Communities: Ending Deaths from Despair ep6 - Farmers and Suicide 9-23-22
3:00 PM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines (View)
3:05 PM - TFR: Recreation Update 9-16-24 (View)
3:17 PM - TFR: Hy-Vee Dietitian - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 9-24-24 (View)
3:30 PM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines (View)
3:35 PM - TFR: KL Engineering Office Expansion Ribbon Cutting 10-3-24 (View)
3:44 PM - TFR: DATCP - Fake PayPal Invoices 9-27-24 (View)
4:00 PM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines (View)
4:05 PM - TFR: Fire Prevention Week Safety & Prevention Tips pt1 10-9-24 (View)
4:15 PM - TFR: Bela Springs Apartments Ribbon Cutting 10-4-24 (View)
4:30 PM - TFR: Fitchburg Police Dept Badge Pinning Ceremony 12-18-23
4:51 PM - TFR: The Rusty Bee Lounge Ribbon Cutting 9-26-24 (View)
5:00 PM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines (View)
5:05 PM - TFR: Sustainability Update 9-30-24 (View)
5:18 PM - TFR: Tyto Solar Farm and Sheep 10-1-24 (View)
5:30 PM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines (View)
5:35 PM - TFR: Who is the Fitchburg Fire Department? 10-10-24 (View)
5:47 PM - TFR: BBB - Phony Car Rental Scams 9-26-24 (View)
6:00 PM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines
6:05 PM - TFR: Fire Prevention Week Safety & Prevention Tips pt2 10-11-24 (View)
6:16 PM - TFR: Fitchburg Fire Department Open House Preview 10-8-24 (View)
6:30 PM - Festival Viva México 9-15-24
7:00 PM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines
7:05 PM - TFR: Public Library Update 10-4-24 (View)
7:15 PM - TFR: Hy-Vee Dietitian - It's Tomato Time 9-20-24 (View)
7:30 PM - WI Historical Society - 10000 Years Along the Sugar River
8:43 PM - TFR: National Falls Prevention Awareness Month 9-25-24 (View)
9:00 PM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines
9:05 PM - TFR: Czar's Promise - Inspiring Hope Walk 10-4-24 (View)
9:15 PM - TFR: Fitchburg Fire Department Open House Preview 10-8-24 (View)
9:30 PM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines
9:35 PM - TFR: Mayoral Proclamations 10-8-24 (View)
9:50 PM - TFR: The Rusty Bee Lounge Ribbon Cutting 9-26-24 (View)
10:00 PM - Talking Fitchburg Headlines
10:05 PM - TFR: Fire Prevention Week Safety & Prevention Tips pt2 10-11-24 (View)
10:16 PM - TFR: Fire Prevention Week Safety & Prevention Tips pt1 10-9-24 (View)
10:30 PM - What's It Worth 2017-11-05 part 1 s1-6
12:00 AM
Talking Fitchburg Headlines (View)
12:05 AM
TFR: KL Engineering Office Expansion Ribbon Cutting 10-3-24 (View)
12:14 AM
TFR: BBB - Phony Car Rental Scams 9-26-24 (View)
12:30 AM
12:35 AM
TFR: City Administrator Update 9-18-24 (View)
12:47 AM
TFR: Water Service Line Material Inventory 10-2-24 (View)
1:00 AM
Is the E-Bike for You? 6-8-23
2:30 AM
Fitchburg Police Department Award Ceremony 5-15-19
3:00 AM
3:05 AM
TFR: What is Fire Prevention Week? 10-7-24 (View)
3:13 AM
TFR: Chamber Update 9-23-24 (View)
3:30 AM
3:35 AM
TFR: National Falls Prevention Awareness Month 9-25-24 (View)
3:49 AM
TFR: Fitchburg Fire Department Open House Preview 10-8-24 (View)
4:00 AM
Senior Aerobics
5:13 AM
5:30 AM
Functional Fitness for Seniors 4-5-19
6:00 AM
Senior Fitness Center 8-2-18
7:00 AM
Guided Meditation: Loving Kindness and Body Scan with Becky Otte-Ford 2020-05-04
7:30 AM
8:01 AM
9:01 AM
9:06 AM
TFR: Who is the Fitchburg Fire Department? 10-10-24 (View)
9:18 AM
9:30 AM
9:35 AM
TFR: Public Library Update 10-4-24 (View)
9:45 AM
TFR: Hy-Vee Dietitian - It's Tomato Time 9-20-24 (View)
10:00 AM
Learning Annex 2.0: Reading Your Medicare Statements
11:00 AM
11:05 AM
TFR: Czar's Promise - Inspiring Hope Walk 10-4-24 (View)
11:15 AM
11:30 AM
11:35 AM
TFR: Mayoral Proclamations 10-8-24 (View)
11:50 AM
TFR: The Rusty Bee Lounge Ribbon Cutting 9-26-24 (View)
12:00 PM
12:05 PM
12:18 PM
12:30 PM
Fitchburg Fire Rescue Station #3 Dedication and Uncoupling Ceremony 12-6-19 (View)
1:00 PM
1:05 PM
1:13 PM
1:30 PM
1:35 PM
1:49 PM
2:00 PM
Safe Communities: Ending Deaths from Despair ep6 - Farmers and Suicide 9-23-22
3:00 PM
3:05 PM
TFR: Recreation Update 9-16-24 (View)
3:17 PM
TFR: Hy-Vee Dietitian - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 9-24-24 (View)
3:30 PM
3:35 PM
3:44 PM
TFR: DATCP - Fake PayPal Invoices 9-27-24 (View)
4:00 PM
4:05 PM
TFR: Fire Prevention Week Safety & Prevention Tips pt1 10-9-24 (View)
4:15 PM
TFR: Bela Springs Apartments Ribbon Cutting 10-4-24 (View)
4:30 PM
TFR: Fitchburg Police Dept Badge Pinning Ceremony 12-18-23
4:51 PM
5:00 PM
5:05 PM
TFR: Sustainability Update 9-30-24 (View)
5:18 PM
TFR: Tyto Solar Farm and Sheep 10-1-24 (View)
5:30 PM
5:35 PM
5:47 PM
6:00 PM
Talking Fitchburg Headlines
6:05 PM
TFR: Fire Prevention Week Safety & Prevention Tips pt2 10-11-24 (View)
6:16 PM
6:30 PM
Festival Viva México 9-15-24
7:00 PM
7:05 PM
7:15 PM
7:30 PM
WI Historical Society - 10000 Years Along the Sugar River
8:43 PM
9:00 PM
9:05 PM
9:15 PM
9:30 PM
9:35 PM
9:50 PM
10:00 PM
10:05 PM
10:16 PM
10:30 PM
What's It Worth 2017-11-05 part 1 s1-6
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