1:00 AM - Fitch-Rona EMS Commission 3-13-25 (View)
2:00 AM - Board of Public Works 3-17-25 (View)
3:00 AM - Common Council 3-11-25 (View)
5:30 AM - Police and Fire Commission 3-19-25 (View)
6:30 AM - Library Board 3-19-25 (View)
7:30 AM - Committee of the Whole 3-19-25 (View)
9:00 AM - Transportation and Transit Commission 3-13-25 (View)
11:00 AM - Personnel Committee 3-12-25 (View)
11:30 AM - Plan Commission 3-18-25 (View)
1:30 PM - Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Public Listening Session 3-26-25 (View)
3:30 PM - Fitch-Rona EMS Commission 3-13-25 (View)
4:30 PM - Board of Public Works 3-17-25 (View)
5:30 PM - Common Council 3-11-25 (View)
8:00 PM - Police and Fire Commission 3-19-25 (View)
9:00 PM - Library Board 3-19-25 (View)
10:00 PM - Committee of the Whole 3-19-25 (View)
11:30 PM - Transportation and Transit Commission 3-13-25 (View)
Event Date:
Common Council
Recent Government Meetings
Schedule Information:
3/31/2025 at 5:30 PM4/1/2025 at 8:00 AM4/1/2025 at 10:30 PM4/2/2025 at 3:30 PM4/3/2025 at 6:00 AM
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